4 March 2025
Tourism funding program now open

COMMUNITY groups, tourism operators, and festival organisers in the Rural City of Wangaratta are encouraged to apply for council’s revitalised Tourism Event Funding Program.

Grants of up to $2000 are available for small events, and up to $5000 for major events taking place between January 1 and December 31, 2025.

Applications are now open and will close at 3pm on Monday, September 30.

The program aims to stimulate economic benefits, enhance community culture, draw in key target markets, and bolster the region's current tourism streams.

It also assists in allowing existing events to become more financially stable and sustain their presence on the region's calendar.

Tourism Event Funding Program has recently simplified the application process and now offers two streams:

- Tourism Event Grants: this stream focuses on supporting the development and growth of new events or those in their early years.

- Tourism Event Sponsorship: this stream is designed to support established events that have demonstrated continued growth over the past years and have consistently attracted a strong following from visitors outside our region.

Successful applicants of the Tourism Event Sponsorship will now receive funding for up to three consecutive years, reducing the need for annual applications and providing some financial security.

This change aims to help event organisers focus on growth and achieve long-term sustainability.

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Councillor Harry Bussell said the streamlined application process will support newer events and help organiser’s get up and running.

“It will also boost the potential of our larger events that attract visitors from across Victoria, Melbourne, and southern NSW," he said.

“With a total of $40,000 available across the two funding streams, we urge event organisers of all sizes and at all stages to apply.

“Applications can include costs associated with marketing, strategic business plans for event development, activities to expand an event program, or costs associated with securing or hosting an event.”

Application forms, further information and guidelines are available: https://www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au/Your-Council/Grants-and-funding/Tourism-Event-Funding.

For further information or to discuss your event, contact the economic development team on 03 5722 0888 or economicdevelopment@wangaratta.vic.gov.au.