Better direction coming for Whitfield reserve users

DETAILED signage providing local residents and visitors with more information about the Whitfield Recreation Reserve – and who is the best point of contact for it – is about to be installed.

The reserve committee received $4380 from the Rural City of Wangaratta's 2022/23 Community Grants Program, which will go towards the installation of two signs at either side of the driveway entry to the community facility, one identifying 'Whitfield Recreation Reserve' and the other the 'King Valley Community Complex'.

Whitfield Recreation Reserve vice president Bruce Uebergang said the signs will also have general information, details on users such as the King Valley United Football and Netball Club, but also who to contact if you want to hire the facility including the AC Swinburne Pavilion.

"The signs will let people know what the facility actually is," he said.

"A lot of people think the football club owns the place, but it doesn't, and it has been hard for people to find out who to speak to if they want to hire the place."

Mr Uebergang said the signs will be near the tennis courts and come with the flexibility to add or change the name of the person and the phone number of who to contact for bookings.

He said during a recent gravel cycling event in town, it was raised that there was nothing which promoted the facility – the committee hoping signage may encourage more private use.

"It will hopefully highlight that the place is available and help us get more bookings," he said.

"There have also been a lot of new people arrive in town in the last few years, so we want to promote it a bit more and let people know what they are coming in to."

It's hoped the signs will be up before the football season starts.

The playground at the Whitfield Recreation Reserve was also recently upgraded late last year and Mr Uebergang said an expansive shade sail – secured through a grant some time ago – will go up and over it in the next month.

He said a generator, obtained with the help of a grant via the Rural City of Wangaratta from the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal's Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, is also about to go in and will run the facility – a designated place of last resort during bushfire – if the power goes out.