4 March 2025
Private cattle sales bolster activity

CATTLE throughput in 2024 was the highest it's been in several years at the Wangaratta Livestock Exchange with 54,733 head sold for $66,598,786.

Some 12,657 more head were processed through the yards compared to 2023, raking in an extra $11,788,786 for producers.

Broken down throughput for 2024 included 12,272 prime cattle, 11,229 privately weighed, and 30,816 store cattle.

The turnover for prime cattle in 2024 was $16.73m, privately weighed was $16.92m, and store cattle $32.32m.

Average prices per head were prime cattle $2.63/kg, private weighed $3.26/kg, and store $3.23/kg.

Exchange general manager Warwick Benton said the main difference on last year was the private sales of cattle going direct to feedlots.

"Producers were getting good money with those cattle going direct to feedlots and the prime and store figures remained steady," he said

"JBS has been a good supporter of the Wangaratta saleyards and they have diverted a lot of cattle out of the Southern Riverina and North East Victoria to go into Wangaratta to get weighed.

"Transport companies will then take them to feedlots like Hopkins River and other companies which are good supporters of the Wangaratta saleyards.

"All the vendors know their price before they go in there and they can gauge their decision to sell of that."

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Mr Benton said the higher volume trend of feeder cattle selling privately is expected to continue

He said the lighter cattle are still going through the store weaner sales, but vendors who have grown them out to feeder steers are going direct.

Prices have come back during 2024 but the average price of $2.63/kg is more a reflection of the cows being sold through the system that brought the average price down.

In 2025, large numbers are expected through the weaner sales to start off the year with about 16,000 head across four sale days.

With the higher throughput, it means more revenue for the livestock exchange and Mr Benton said in the last six months they've been able to upgrade the weight bridge, scanners and catwalk over the pens as a result.

The Bureau of Meteorology's three-month forecast puts North East Victoria at a 75 per cent chance of 100-200mm in rainfall from January to March.

About 100mm in early December boosted the outlook for producers but Mr Benton said it could go the other way again, with La Nina predicted by the bureau to go neutral between March to May.

Corcoran and Parker and Elders will hold an Angus sale this Wednesday, January 8, with 4500 head expected, and the coloured sale this Friday, January 10 will see about 3500 to go under the hammer.

There will be two blue ribbon sales, at the end of January and in February, with 4000-plus head expected at each.

Corcoran and Parker will have a stand-alone sale on Friday, January 31, with Nutrien, Elders and AWN to hold theirs on Wednesday, February 5.

Wangaratta Livestock Exchange figures 2020-2024

2020: 23,948 head sold for $30,199,142

2021: 36,468 head sold for $65,792,277

2022: 45,172 head sold for $90,280,340

2023: 42,076 head sold for $54,810,000

2024: 54,733 head sold for $66,598,786