14 October 2024
Last chance to have say on fair trading of grape and wine

STAKEHOLDERS in the local grape and wine sector are urged to provide their feedback on a consultation paper prepared by Dr Craig Emerson, as part of an independent review examining potential market failure in the sector.

Dr Emerson was appointed in August by Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Julie Collins MP, to lead an independent impact analysis of regulatory options for the Australian grape and wine sector.

It follows concerns raised by the grape and wine sector of contractual fairness throughout the supply chain – from vineyard to retail shelf.

This analysis includes fair trading, competitive relationships, contracting practices and risk allocation, and Dr Emerson has been examining these issues before providing recommendations to improve commercial dealings.

The deadline for feedback was October 10 but has now been extended to 5pm on Sunday, October 20.

Questions raised in the consultation paper are a guide only, and all those interested can answer some or all of the questions, make comments or provide their own examples or case studies.

To read the consultation paper and share your thoughts, visit
