10 March 2025
Hazelnut industry poised for growth with research program launched

CARBOOR hazelnut producer Ben Barrow sees plenty of potential positives from a $2 million, five-year research program recently announced for Australia's burgeoning industry.

The Australian Hazelnut Program of Research (AUSHAZ) is being funded by AgriFutures Australia to optimise Australia's hazelnut production by developing quality standards and industry frameworks and drive growth through innovation and communication.

“The program will be beneficial for producers as it presents detailed and positive outcomes on disease management and disease identification,” he said.

“We have over 10,000 trees at our property and management is vital to the health of the trees and the introduction of the new program will be an advantage for hazelnut farmers.

“Our business is always open to learning from the best, as researchers are always staying ahead of the game and it's a positive feeling to stay in touch.

“We aim to get consistent quality with the nuts and uphold a high standard for the consumer.

“Our farm is in a great location where no irrigation is required as the trees sustain enough annual rainfall.

“Recently we have imported five varieties of hazelnuts (Yamhill, Jefferson, Dorris, McDonald and Pheta) which mature in three to four years, not seven to 10 years.

“The Australian base of research practice is 20 years behind compared to practices overseas and the introduction of this program will fast track the industry locally.”

Expected research outputs include a smartphone app to detect flower-to-nut conversion rates, an online system for hazelnut data collection, storage and analysis, drying guidelines for growers and processors to develop and test new systems for hazelnut tree irrigation, nutrition and protecting sustainability from incursions of exotic pests and diseases.

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The research team is led by Charles Sturt University distinguished professor Geoff Gurr, recognised as one of the country’s leading researchers in his field.

Professor Gurr said the research will unlock the potential of the Australian hazelnut industry by overcoming several barriers for growth.

“By providing research to assist the Australian hazelnut industry with improving yields, quality and profitability, the current grower base will be incentivised to expand,” he said.

“In addition, investors will realise the potential for Australian-grown hazelnuts to displace inferior, imported product and will be attracted to join the industry either as small-scale growers or large commercial enterprises.”

As local supply steadily increases, demand for Australian hazelnuts is also expected to grow as consumers realise the superiority of fresh hazelnuts, compared to imported hazelnuts.

Hazelnut Growers of Australia (HGA) executive officer Trevor Ranford said Australian-grown hazelnuts were already highly valued by gourmet retailers, restaurants, confectioners, patisseries and gelato makers.

“Last year, Australia produced about 580 tonnes of in-shell hazelnuts with a farm-gate value of $6.4 million,” he said.

“The research being carried out through the AUSHAZ program will support sustainable growth of those numbers for the long-term prosperity of the Australian hazelnut industry.”

AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries senior manager, Dr Olivia Reynolds, said the research program will address the most pressing issues facing current growers.

She said it was guided by the Australian Hazelnut 2030 Strategic Blueprint in consultation with growers, HGA, processors, agronomists and researchers.

“AgriFutures is focused on investing in research that makes a significant impact on industry growth and we’re confident that the research team is well on the way to delivering that impact,” Dr Reynolds said.

As well as being sold as in-shell, cracked or roasted products, hazelnuts have a wide range of uses, including in value-add products like oil, flour and meal as well as in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

They are high in fibre, folate and vitamin E and contain mostly monounsaturated fats.