18 September 2024
Blackberry workshop in Bright

UPPER Ovens Valley Landcare, in conjunction with the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce and the Ovens Landcare Network, will host an information workshop in Bright this month to combat the incursion of invasive blackberry plants in the region.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, September 21 from 10am to 1pm at the Bright Bowls Club in Churchill Avenue with lunch provided.

Upper Ovens Valley Landcare will host local experts to outline the best practice methods to protect native plants and bushland areas.

Attendees do not need to bring along any equipment, as they won't be doing any actual weed control work.

Participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle and to wear sensible shoes and a hat as the group will be waking to a nearby blackberry infested site along Morses Creek as part of the presentations.

To book your tickets to this workshop, visit:

For more information about this event go to