People and lifestyle
Gladys turns 103

RESIDENT at Wangaratta St Johns and Respect, Gladys Ellis, celebrated her 103rd birthday last Friday surrounded by loving family and friends.

Gladys' son Roy Ellis, on behalf of his sisters Faye and Cheryle, thanked all guests who attended.

"We would like to thank all the staff at St Johns and Respect for putting on this afternoon tea and providing the excellent care she has had since being a resident here since 2015," he said.

Ms Ellis was born in Yea in 1919, one year after the end of the First World War.

Roy said his mum was known as a very good driver, driving until she was 95, earning her the nickname 'granny with the go', unbeknown to her.

"She has journeyed through her long life with no serious illnesses or accidents, and by her appearance, which is fantastic, she looks so happy and well," he said.