26 March 2025
Alice saddled up with jockey aspirations

ALICE Kennedy has grown up around horses and the 16 year old has her heart set on becoming a jockey.

She began riding at four years old on the neighbours' Shetland pony, and the passion developed further after the family moved from Wangaratta to a farm and her Mum, Vicki Robinson, bought her a horse when she was seven.

"I just kept on getting horses after that," she said.

Alice decided she wanted to become a jockey around a year ago after seeing another female jockey compete and since then has been training with Wangaratta's Ben Brisbourne to join the jockey apprentice system of Victoria.

"I decided to become a jockey after my first track ride and then I saw how well Hannah Edgely was doing and I thought, maybe that could be me someday," she said.

In order to become one of only five or six jockey apprentices in Victoria, applicants have to participate in training days before being chosen.

According to Mr Brisbourne this is great a opportunity for any young person who enjoys horse riding and aspires to be a jockey.

"It's a good system were they can get rewarded financially at a young age if they can get the support they need to get into it which we're happy to do," he said.

Mr Brisbourne has been helping Alice to achieve this goal and said she has been great to work with.

"She's an extremely hard working young lady who has a goal and is working towards it," he said.

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Alice trains with Mr Brisbourne every day from Monday to Saturday, getting to the track at 4:30am each morning.

"First, we come in and then we get our first lot of horses ready," Alice said.

"Then we do a couple of laps of the track, it's like that the whole morning just getting on the horses and going out.

"It's a lot of work but it's also rewarding."

Before deciding to become a jockey, Alice participated in showjumping competitions, competing in pony club and Equestrian Australia events.

"I've won a championship in pony club and a couple of reserves for pony club as well," she said.

"I enjoy the adrenaline rush you feel when you're on a horse and the connection you can have with certain horses."