13 March 2025
Screening could be potential life saver

WOMEN aged between 25 and 74 years old are asked to take the time to book a cervical screen or mammogram, with procedures now less invasive and self–collection also available now – it could be most important 30 minutes of your life.

South Wangaratta Medical Clinic registered nurse Liz Jesser applied for a grant from the Cancer Council and the Murray Primary Health Network (PHN) to encourage more people in the area to get a check–up.

She is also looking to approach multi–cultural people, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to reach sections of the community and promote the service.

"Sometimes people from various groups in society might not know about the services on offer or whether they will see a female clinician, or could have fears about the procedure or be worried about cultural sensitivities," Ms Jesser said.

"Women are more than welcome to bring somebody with them to the appointment that will take a maximum of 30 minutes with me."

There is also an opportunity for community groups to have Ms Jesser visit and share information with members about the risks, screening processes and care around cervical and breast screening.

The community education program also covers bowel screening and is relevant to any gender.

"The main aspect with cervical screening is that the method has changed and it is no longer an invasive procedure – patients can even take a sample themselves, as long as they have no symptoms," Ms Jesser said.

"It's important to get regular screening because the earlier cancers are detected the better chance there is of successful treatments.

"We can also check the national screening register to see when the patient is due for another screen."

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For more information about the cervical, breast or bowel screening program or to book an appointment call the South Wangaratta Medical Clinic on 5713 9299.