13 February 2025
Wangaratta wetter, but other centres drier in 2024

WHILE Wangaratta was wetter than average, Benalla, Rutherglen and Albury reflected our region's trend of being drier than average, with daily maxima being about 1.5 degrees above normal, making 2024 the warmest year since 2019.

Minimum temperatures for 2024 were close to normal or a shade below normal.

Wangaratta's total rainfall of 648mms was 36mms above the yearly average of 648mms.

The wettest day was January 3 with 54.4mms.

The mean maximum temperature of 23.2 degrees was also the warmest since 2019.

The hottest day was 39.6 degrees on December 16, which was the hottest in December since 42.5 degrees on December 20, 2019.

The mean minimum temperature of 7.5 degrees was close to average.

Our lowest temperature was minus 4.3 on July 19, and our coldest day was 9.8 degrees on June 13.

Frosts occurred on 82 days.

The highest minimum temperature of 22.5 degrees was recorded on December 17.

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At Benalla a total of 608mms rainfall was recorded against an average of 668mms.

The wettest day was 54.8mm on January 3 and the hottest day was 40.5 degrees on December 16.

The coldest day was 10.2 degrees on June 13, and Benalla had frosts on 64 days.

At Rutherglen a total of 573mms rainfall was recorded which was just below the average of 587mms.

The wettest day was May 31 with 44.8mms.

The mean maximum temperature of 23.9 degrees made 2024 the warmest year on record.

The hottest day was 41.1 degrees on December 16, which was also the highest December since 43 degrees in 2019.

The highest minimum temperature was 23.8 degrees on February 5.

The lowest temperature was minus 4.5 degrees on both June 19 and July 30 - and frosts occurred on 91 days, with the coldest day only reaching 10.2 degrees on July 12.

Albury had a total of 475.6mms against an average annual rainfall of 510mms.

The wettest day was 31.6mms on May 30.

The mean maximum temperature of 24 degrees made 2024 the warmest year since 2006.

There were 44 days of frosts with the lowest temperature of minus 3.3 recorded on July 30.

The coldest day was 9.9 degrees on July 12.