RAMIFICATIONS from a COVID positive delivery driver's visit to various businesses in Wangaratta last Monday were continuing to be felt over the weekend, with three locations listed as Tier 2 exposure sites and hundreds of people getting COVID screenings.
There had still been no positive COVID cases listed for Wangaratta yesterday, with more than 450 people having undergone screening tests on Friday and Saturday, and the Tone Road drive–thru testing clinic remaining busy yesterday.
State health authorities on the weekend listed Borschs Edward Street Butchers, EG Fuel Wangaratta (formerly Woolworths Caltex) in Tone Road, and Shell Coles Express Wangaratta as Tier 2 sites, after confirming someone with coronavirus had attended those premises while they were infectious.
Anyone who visited the butchery between 8.15am and 9am, or the Tone Road fuel station between 8am to 9.30am, or the Shell Coles Express between 7am and 8am on Monday, September 13, is being asked to get tested urgently and isolate until you have a negative result.
The Department of Health has advised that if anyone is identified as a primary close contact (Tier 1) it will contact them directly and advise them to quarantine for 14 days.
On Friday a collective investigation led by Albury Wodonga Health and the Victorian Department of Health into the delivery driver's movements resulted in no formal exposure sites being identified in the region.
It noted that contact tracing and risk assessments had been undertaken, but found appropriate COVID–safe precautions had been taken to minimise the risk for the community.
Numerous businesses in Wangaratta, acting of their own volition and in the interest of community safety, closed to the public and had staff undertake screening after being notified on Thursday by the delivery driver's company that he had tested positive to COVID the previous day.
Borschs Edwards Street Butchers was among those businesses, closing the business on Thursday and notifying customers, via its Facebook site, of the situation.
Ashlee Borsch told the Wangaratta Chronicle yesterday that its main consideration was community safety and being super cautious.
"We've all been tested and the premises is being deep cleaned today (Sunday) and we're hopeful we can re–open Monday," she said.
"The delivery driver was only in the premises for around 30 seconds...he dropped off two boxes and had no direct contact with staff.
"I'm not sure why it took until Sunday for us to be listed as a Tier 2 site.
"As a small family business it's frustrating and we hope that moving forward, with vaccination rates rising, there is more hope for businesses to operate."
Wangaratta's other Tier 2 exposure sites had also undergone deep cleaning and were able to re–open for business over the weekend.
Being super precautionary, at least four other businesses in Wangaratta ordered staff to undergo COVID–screening immediately, after news of the COVID–positive delivery driver in the region was conveyed to owners by the driver's courier company.
Flagpole Café, Aroma Deli Café, Treats Coffee Shop and 4 Paws Deli all made public statements announcing their immediate temporary closure.
Flagpole Café owner Margaret Sgarioto said the driver had visited at around 6.15am on Monday morning, entering through the front door and promptly delivering stock before leaving.
"I got the phone call from the truck company on Thursday morning, and they told me the driver had tested positive for COVID–19 the day previous," she told the Wangaratta Chronicle.
"We've cleaned up and closed the shop – all of our members and family members have since been tested.
"We also let other businesses that we deal with know – and all the legal paperwork has been submitted to Department of Health and Human Services."
Ms Sgarioto's brother, Tony Molinaro, elected to close the Aroma Deli Café on Thursday in a similar fashion, after the driver delivered goods through the back door of the business shortly after visiting Flagpole Café.
"I initially rang the hotline to clarify what we needed to do – I didn't hear back from them until 11am (on Friday)," he said.
"We had two staff members within one metre of the driver, but no physical contact.
"Staff members are being tested in stages because we do plan to reopen as soon as possible – the two staff members who were in contact are our priority."
Mr Molinaro said CCTV cameras had been used to identify potential touchpoints, but noted the driver had used an available QR code to scan in and had been wearing a mask.
"I don't think there's any risk," he said.
The COVID–19 scare has prompted an increase in COVID tests at the drive–thru screening clinic being run by Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW) at Tone Road, with 219 people tested on Thursday, 232 on Friday and 221 on Saturday.
"We've been really pleased with the number of people who've been coming out to get tested," NHW acting chief executive officer Robyn Gillis said.
"The recent COVID–19 activity in our region is a strong reminder that COVID–19 is active in our region.
"The message is that if you have any COVID–19 symptoms, however minor, you should get tested.
If you need to get tested for COVID–19, the Screening Clinic is accessed via Vincent Road, Wangaratta.
No appointments are needed and it is open from 9am to 3pm, seven days a week.
To check on the latest COVID exposure sites visit https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure–sites
Ms Grillis said NHW is also encouraging people to get vaccinated.
"This week we have opened 572 appointments to the general public so there is availability to make a booking," she said.
"Everyone over 12 is eligible for a vaccine.
"Wangaratta is doing extremely well with our vaccination numbers but we know there are plenty of people out there still needing to get vaccinated.
"If you try booking one day and there is no availability, then try again the next day.
"You can also book at participating GPs and pharmacies."
To book a vaccine at NHW's Vaccination Clinic ring 1800 571 121 or visit https://portal.cvms.vic.gov.au/
COVID–19 fragments were detected in a two wastewater samples in Wangaratta last week.
There was an unexpected detection of COVID–19 in a wastewater sample on Tuesday, September 14, and an anticipated detection recorded on Wednedsay, September 15.
The State Government lists the period of interest being September 12 to 14 in Wangaratta and surrounds – including Wangaratta, East Wangaratta, North Wangaratta, Wangaratta South, Laceby, Milawa, Oxley, Waldara and Wangandary.
The detection could be the result of one or more people in these areas who have recovered from COVID–19 but are still shedding the virus, or the detection could be an undiscovered new case.
Anyone who lives in, works in or has visited the areas above is urged to watch for the mildest of COVID–19 symptoms and get tested as soon as possible if symptoms develop.