9 March 2025
‘Getting to know you’ in Appin Street schools tour

A TOUR of Wangaratta District Specialist School and Appin Park Primary School was on the agenda for federal Independent MP Helen Haines (MHR, Indi) last week, as she was invited to familiarise herself with the neighbouring Appin Street campuses.

The schools are currently at work on a four-stage master plan aimed at guiding future development of their facilities, and were keen to show Dr Haines around the two sites so she had full knowledge of the works due to take place and the need for them.

Stage one of the master plan is expected to begin construction in December, and will involve refurbishment of classrooms into an administration and staff breakout space for Appin Park, while a building on the Appin Park site will be fitted out for WDSS students’ use.